Thursday, February 21, 2013

Building Your Own Home Theater: Asking Experts Can Save Time, Money and Even Marriages!

by Mary Ann Giorgio

Audio/video e-commerce sites are everywhere, and that's not a bad thing. The results have been very competitive pricing on audio/video gear and enticing shipping terms as more websites compete for your dollar. There is a downside to making online purchases that the crew at recognized a while back. Once a customer has purchased his or her ceiling speakers, amplifier, volume controls, or other gadget, they're pretty much on their own. Unless you're super handy, have a buddy who is super handy, or hire a qualified A/V installer, the job is yours.

Hiring a professional is rarely a bad idea but many people who buy whole house audio equipment are do-it-yourself types ready to build the room they've dream of for years. So what happens when the products arrive and you realize there's no room for the center channel? What do you do if you order the wrong gauge cable or don't really know how to hook up a speaker selector to your amplifier? By then walls may be cut into, rugs pulled up and skeptical spouses (who may not have been fully on board with the project in the first place), are giving you the "I told you so" eye! It can be painful to stop in the middle of a project only to realize you're lost in a sea of installation manuals.

Ask First, Build Later
The best way to avoid such a mess is to arm yourself with knowledge before you start a job. The OSD staff takes calls throughout the day to guide customers, many who find themselves a bit over their heads. Many websites, including ours, load pages of documents, FAQs, and install tips to help customers but these sections can only go so far. The FAQ seems to have every answer except the one you need. You're receiver is a few years old and you're can’t even find the manual. All you want is someone to give you answers and there's nothing quite like getting personal attention from a staff member who knows the product inside and out.

Upload Your Plans—The Learning Center Can Help
Unlike many on-line e-commerce sites, the staff at OSD does not hide from their customers once a purchase is made.  In addition to customer support by phone, we've created a learning center where customers can download helpful documents like spec sheets and manuals, and installation tips. The best part of our new Learning Center is that it allows you to  upload the project plans that will go directly to one of our experts. Your plans may be professional schematics or something you scribbled down on a piece of paper. We'll look at it and within a reasonable amount of turnaround, offer advice on speaker placement, amplification, speaker cable and other pieces to the puzzle so you order the right products. .

The key to a successful DIY is planning and the staff here at OSD is here to help you design the right system for your home and budget. We designed this learning section for all Outdoor Speaker Depot customers because we believe that informed customers make the best purchasing decisions, and those customers come back.  So before you dig in there on your project, feel free to come to us first. We may be able to save you (and your spouse), some future headaches.

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